January 26 - February 1, 2025

Third Sunday after Epiphany

 Divine Service, Setting Four at 10:30AM

Streaming of the service begins at 10:15 AM

Nehemiah 8:1–3, 5-6, 8-10; 1 Corinthians 12:12–31; Luke 4:16–30

VBS is coming - HOLD THE DATE: Get Ready for a Concordia Unforgettable VBS 2025 Adventure! 

First introductory meeting (ALL INVITED!) occurs this Sunday directly after services in the Mueller library.🌟

Dear Members,

We are thrilled to announce that Concordia will be hosting an exciting, fun-filled Vacation Bible School (VBS) the week of June 16-20, 2025, right after the Wilmington area school districts' year ends! Mark your calendars now – this is an opportunity you won’t want to miss! There’s a role for EVERYONE in our congregation to play in this incredible outreach to our members, families, and community.

This year’s theme is “Joseph’s Journey from Prison to Palace!" Get ready for a dynamic, action-packed program designed to captivate young hearts and minds, while teaching them about God's amazing work in their lives. We promise you, this adventure will be one to remember! 🌟 To give you a sneak peek of the fun, check out this quick 1-minute introductory video and information page that showcases just how awesome this experience will be!

Building on the success of our outreach this year, VBS will run from 8:30 AM to noon, with a special celebration program by the children for their parents on Thursday, June 19th, followed by a lunch to honor their hard work and learning.

More exciting details will follow, including ways YOU can get involved! Whether you’re looking to volunteer or support in another way, there’s a place for you in this amazing outreach. Let’s come together as a congregation to share the love of Christ and make an impact on the next generation!

"We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done." Psalm 78:4 (NIV)

We can’t wait to see what God will do through us!


Ron Niesen

On behalf of the entire Concordia team, dedicated to inspiring our children and youth

SUNDAY Snacks with coffee - Thanks to all those who signed up to bring snacks. Please contact Lilly if you have questions or would like to help clean up.

January 26 - Leanne Bier

February 2 - Kathee Butler

February 9 - Potluck   Super Bowl Super Potluck!!

February 16 - 

February 23 - Rosemary Stormer 

March 2 - Sharon Cornell  

March 9 - 

March 16 - 

March 23 - 

March 30 - Rosemary Stormer


Altar Flowers - This Sunday the flowers are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of our parents Russell & Clara Randall and George & Catherine Butler  by Kathee and George Butler.                                           

Sign up for altar flowers on the signup sheet outside Library bulletin board. Each bouquet is $20 and payment should be marked 'altar flowers' and date dedicated. January 12 is open for flower sign up.

Sunday School - Classes for all age groups. Adult Bible class continues at 9:15 AM. We are reading Revelation in the adult class. CHOIR practice at 08:15 AM. BELL Choir Rehearsal: returns at 9:20AM. 

Tuesday - Bible Study is now studying Matthew. We meet at 1 PM  in the Mueller room at church.

Wednesday - Handmade Prayers (Prayer Shawl Ministry) meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 10 AM in Mueller Library.

Thursday - Men's Bible Breakfast (MBB) meets on Thursday mornings at 8 AM via zoom. The format is discussion of the Lectionary readings for the upcoming Sunday. For more information email Dan Good.


Next Potluck - I would like to thank everyone who participated in the Chili Pot Luck.  I especially enjoyed the conversation, participation, set up, clean up and everyone who was involved in prayer and praise.  Our pot lucks going forward, will be on the 2nd Sunday of the month.  This way we can always plan on a specific date.  With that being said, the 2nd Sunday in February coincides with the Super Bowl.  So, let's gather in All Saints' Hall on FEBRUARY 9th after our worship service. We will provide hoagies, wings, chips and beer.  As always, your contributions of pot luck offerings are greatly appreciated and enjoyed by everyone.  I hope your favorite football team wins.

Blessings, Lilly Derrickson



It has been quite a while since a trip has been offered.  Well, here is an opportunity for us to all enjoy.  The Harlem Globe Trotters will be at the Bob Carpenter Center at the University of Delaware Saturday, MARCH 1, 2025 AT 2:00 PM.   A sign up board has been placed in the narthex.  Please provide your name, phone number and number of tickets requested.  The tickets are $19.00 each.  Dave Waddell will be assisting in the sale of tickets.  Everyone is welcome.  Please invite friends, neighbors, family, co-workers.  This is an opportunity to enjoy some fellowship with each other.  Deadline for tickets is FEBRUARY 9TH.


Lutheran Talk and Music App - You can listen to Lutheran talk and music 24/7, anytime, anywhere with the free Lutheran Public Radio app.  You can download for your cell phone at the App Store, Google Play or at, or go to their mobilized websites: and

Checkout the podcast Tangible, too. Scholarly insight on a variety of issues that make faith real–tangible. Search for it on your podcast app.

Sunday School - Classes by age group begin at 9:15.

Sunday Adult Bible - Meets in the Mueller Room at 9:15. We are now reading Revelation. 

Weekday Bible Study - We meet on Tuesdays at 1:00 PM with Pastor Dave.  We are reading Matthew.  

Men's Breakfast Bible Study - This group meets on Thursday at 8:00 A.M. to study the readings from the lectionary for the coming Sunday. For more information contact Dan Good. 

CATECHESIS - religious instruction given to a person in preparation for Christian baptism or confirmation typically using a catechism...i.e. Martin Luther's small Catechism.

Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 

  • What is God's will for my life?                                                                                                                                           
  • Should I be anxious about discerning God's precise will in my daily decisions?                                                                   
  • How can I make decisions as a Christian about every-day matters?


Many of us enjoyed or contributed to a potluck at Concordia on January 12.  Now is the time to turn our focus and attention to feeding the less fortunate, so we repeat the words of St. Paul “Let’s not get tired of doing what is good”. Our next day to serve at Emmanuel Dining Room is Monday, January 27 and we need those casseroles and brownies that you so generously provide each month. Please place them in the freezer before January 24 (so they have time to thaw) or after the 24th, please place in our refrigerator. 

Please note that we need servers this month. George Butler will be heading the team and two additional helpers are needed to assist him in serving the meals. You may call or text him at 610-256-6781 to let him know of your availability.  George will drive the group from church at about 9:20am and return by 1:30pm.  Your help with all of the above is greatly appreciated.                                  

INI, George and Dale

Casseroles are needed for the 27th of  February – Concordia's day to serve EDR! Help feed people who are hungry by making a casserole or brownies for EDR!  Recipe (Click).


As a Recognized Service Organization of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, Orphan Grain Train is a Christian volunteer network that sends donated clothing, shoes, medical and other needed items to people in need. We meet Wednesdays 10:00 a.m.– 2:30 p.m. and Saturdays 9 a.m.–1:30 p.m. to sort and pack donations for shipping. Our location is the warehouse next to the Dansko outlet: 8 Federal Rd, West Grove, PA, 19390. 

Read all about OGT on the bulletin board by the library, or visit our webpage for hours of operation, the latest updates, and to review the full list of materials our recipients need most. Donated items may be placed in the closet in All Saints' Hall (to the right as you enter the room). Hard to imagine how exciting it is for those who receive our 'throw aways / I don't need this anymore' possessions – we are so blessed! If you have questions please contact Tom Fuesler or Carla Niesen.

OGT NEWS Updates - Go to the SERVICE tab at the top and click on Orphan Grain Train

Meals on Wheels - Serving our community meals during the last full week of each month (January 27-31, 2025). The time commitment is usually 1 1/2 hrs. (11:00 AM - 12:30 PM). Please contact Susan Fuesler or email the office at Meals are picked up at Silverside Church with directions for delivery route. Please consider volunteering; you will bless others and be greatly blessed as well!  

Handmade Prayers - Next meeting February 12, 2025 in the Mueller Library. This is a working meeting so bring your yarn projects! We welcome anyone that is interested in crocheting or knitting to join us. If you know someone that is in need of a gift from us, please let us know. 


Tithing & Online Giving is Available – Click HERE. Let us thank Jesus that He continues to provide for us! Offerings can be set up through your bank or your credit card. Questions related to financial giving can be addressed to 

Offerings – Please help the counters: by writing your name on your envelope or attaching an address label
